Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s a happy New Year’s Eve

The only thing that makes this a happy New Year’s Eve is that here in the Bandera area of Texas we have been getting rain all day long. It started late last night with a light show and some claps … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments


Merry Christmas to any who stop by. For me this is the first day of the Season of Christmas, so I will also wish to any and all 11 more days of Merry Christmas till we reach the day of … Continue reading

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SpaceX is moving on again

As I said on Monday, I was awaiting SpaceX’s Starlink-15 mission launch before posting about SpaceX. Well it happened last night, Tuesday 24 November. Another 66 Starlink satellites were placed into their initial orbit (the satellites start at about 225 … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Hello World!

“Hello World!” has become the universally used “first program” in many programming languages. Though WordPress is not as such a programming language, “Hello, World” has more significance here as I am just opening the door into the world of blogging. … Continue reading

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