Author Archives: BillB

A memorable Independence Day to All

Well here it is the 248th annual celebration of the United States of America’s Independence day that occurs each 4th of July. It might have been the 2nd of July when the first motion by the Continental Congress passed to … Continue reading

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And So the Day Ends

After a wonderful hamburger dinner with our daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons we were on the way home. We had some nice South Central Texas afternoon thundershowers; their remnants left this beautiful sunset. This was taken with my cell phone … Continue reading

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— Some Gave All —

Today, May 29th, 2023 is Memorial Day. Remember all of those who gave the “ultimate” sacrifice to preserve Freedom. It is unfortunate this year that the sacrifice they made is being erased by power hungry psychopaths and sociopaths who want … Continue reading

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A Little Vacay and other Happenings

Back again to posting. I started to create a post back on the 29th of April but was overcome by preparations for a short vacation we were going on. So I decided to post on that excursion and the current … Continue reading

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Success in Failure, Starship Launches and then blows up.

Today, 20 April 2023, at 08:33 CDT, SpaceX launched the first Starship/Superheavy. This is truly the beginning of a new Era in spaceflight if the objectives of rapid reusability are reached with this vehicle. The cost of moving a pound … Continue reading

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It is on!

SpaceX received its FAA launch license for Starship/Superheavy just before 5 PM CDT this Friday the 14th of April 2023. SpaceX is targeting Monday, 17 April for the launch with a 150 minute launch window opening at 7 AM CDT … Continue reading

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Hallelujah! He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Hallelujah!

May everyone have a blessed Easter/Pasche. The Resurrection is the basis of the Christian belief. As Saint Paul the Apostle says in his first letter to the Corinthians that has been preserved (1 Corinthians 15:12-22): “12 But if it is preached … Continue reading

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The Shop — The Building

So why am I going through all of this past history, you ask? I didn’t want to spring any of the projects I am going to do on the blog-0-sphere without explaining how this shop I am doing them in … Continue reading

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The Shop — The Foundation

The post on April 1st was the first post in over a year. I don’t know why. I guess life got in the way. So many people’s blogs that I read have a good grip on doing it that I … Continue reading

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Sunset in the Hill Country

First off, this is no April’s Fool joke. I caught this picture of Mercury and Venus in the deep twilight on my cell phone on March 4th, 2023. The picture was taken from the top of the hill that is … Continue reading

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